Graduation day today.. No not graduation for college or any institute of higher education. It a graduation from a month long military training school here in Jax. This will enable me to work on a specific type of military equipment while I am in Japan. Time has been moving sooo quickly this month, we are T-minus 24 days and counting, and in all reality I am not ready. There are soo many things that need to be accomplished before we leave. I wish that I could hit the pause button do what I need to do and then hit play again, but I can't so I'll just have to make due with the time I have.
I did find out some information I would like to pass on to anyone who may be thinking of taking of taking orders to japan or any other overseas location. If you have pets, really think long and hard about not taking them. I love all of my dogs and they are part of my family, but the military doesn't see it that way, to them pets are no different than any other material item you may have, as far as PCSing is concerned. Throughout this whole PCS process I have been told over and over that pets really don't matter, housing is based on dependants not pets, and there is more paperwork involved and a meticulous timeframe than there is for humans. This process has been a pain in my ass, but we have decided that they are worth us. I just found out yesterday that in order for me to get my health certificate for my dogs I have to come on to base and get the exam done, then I have to take that certificate, drive all of the way to the USDA office in Gainesville, FL and pay them $122 for them to put a stamp on the certificate. Why can't they do this all o n base you ask, well it because there will not be a military vet available until mid July.. HMMM no Military Vet on a military base... that really doesn't seem right to me, but hey that's that way it is. Anyway our last week here is going to be busy and expensive. We have to pay the base vet, pay the USDA, pay the airline, book and pay for 2 hotel rooms, Pick up the in-laws at the airport, drive to Gainesville, pay the carpet cleaners, do the final inspection on our apartment, pay for any damages they make up... you get the point.
Even though it's going to be busy as hell, I am still looking forward to getting to Japan, and starting the next chapter in life. See you all in about 26 days.. Have a fine Navy Day ◦
Go to love the mess but at least we have a solution rather than being stuck with no other option at this point, that would have sucked.. Looking forward to the next chapter of our lives!!