Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You must choose..Choose wisely.

So there I was, arguing with someone about something that wasn't even worth arguing about. During our "Heated Debate" about nothing, a voice spoke to me in my head. Don't laugh at me but it was the voice of the Grail Knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. "You must choose, choose wisely" I heard and I thought about picking and choosing your battles. Fight for things that really matter to you, not for insignificient little petty things. When you constantly fight and fight and fight eveytime you actually lose power and credability with your superior and subordinates alike. The subject of the argument isn't worth mentioning, but the lesson that was re-learned was very valuable.

I have always been one to "Rock the Boat" but lately I have been doing less rocking and more rowing. I am by no means becoming what many say an "Ass Kisser" but I have come to discover that when the political machine is pumping away, you have to do whatever you can to keep it running. I don't alway believe in agree with everything that's going on around me, but sometimes it's more benefical to just shut-up and accept it, because you can't fix everything.

A good example of fighting for what's right just happened while I was writing this post. A fellow Sailor is seperating out of the Navy (No fault of their own... Damn PTS quotas) well this sailor just received their separation Eval, and it is not an accurate reflection of their performance. I personally worked with this Sailor for the last year or so, and they did not get the eval that they deserved. All because they were seperating out of the Navy, and they (The political machine) wanted to save the higher evaluations for their personnel who are still in the Navy on active duty. I guess that they didn't realize that this sailor is transferring to the Naval Reserves and that this is still going to impact this Sailors carrer. I am a firm believer in rewarding people for the job that they do, regardless of where they're going. Awards, if they deserve one give it to them. Great Eval, If they deserve it, give it to them. I have recommended that this Sailor submit a statement to attach to their eval.

So I guess the point of this post is that you Must Choose.... but Choose Wisely. Don't fight the system to the point that it becomes pointless, and PTS (Perform to Serve) really sucks.


  1. As in everything in life, we have to pick are battles wisely for sure! Some things in life are petty and not worth getting your panties in a tight wad for. Life is to short to fight and argue about every little thing but that certainly is terrible about the bad EVAL, no one wants one of those! I love you :)

  2. Learning to pick my battles is something that is hard for me...but you're right. There are things you can and should fight for. Other times, you're just going to go blue in the face. Sigh.
