LOL... So a band of severe weather came through Jacksonville yesterday and you would think that a damn hurricane was coming through our area. All of the local news channels broke to their weather centers around 12pm and stayed with the weather until the 5pm news started. 4 freakin hours reporting on nothing except that the streets were wet. Come on it was rain, this isn't a new concept here in Jacksonville, it rains just about every day from mid March until early June. Was it a slow news day or something?? I know that there are more important things going on in the world or even locally than stupid rain.
Did you know that Florida's Governor Rick Scott is trying to cut back on Florida's CyberCrimes unit? *Since the state agency was established six years ago, more than 250 online child predators have been arrested in Florida. I went to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and did a quick search for Florida within the last year. 110 missing children.. 110 lives crushed, 110 grieving mothers and fathers, 110 families not knowing where their little boy or girl is. Granted that some of these children are classified as runaways, but there is always a chance that they left due to a predator. I also did a search of registered sex offenders in several counties here in Florida and here are the results. In Clay county there are 335 registered sex offenders, In Duval there are 1691, and in Saint Johns county there are 191. Let me give you an idea of what this means.. the estimated population of these three counties is 1,185,290. This comes out to be 1 out of every 535 persons in these counties are registered as a sexual predator.
I guess that my point is why spend 4 hours on covering the rain, when other, more important shit is going on in this crazy screwed up world. True that people need to know when severe weather is in an area but remember the day when it was a little ticker at the bottom on the TV or an announcement on the radio.
* Source Link ◦
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