Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Misawa Life

So we've been in Japan for a little over 3 weeks now, and I am loving it. So far I have met so many wonderful helpful people here at work and outside of work. I am praying that this kind helpful disposition is a way of life here and not just a welcome to Misawa. The land is beautiful and the Japanese nationals have all been kind and helpful, even with the language barriers here, the Japanese people are very graceful and patient with foreigners... It's a strange feeling to be foreigner. RoseAnn is adjusting very well here and she has expressed to me how happy she is.. this is honestly a first for her, to be truly happy at a new duty station.

Due to AF policy here we have to live on base, but we actually are OK with this. When housing became available to us we had a choice of a 4 family housing unit or a tower ( 8 floors ) after looking at both options we chose the tower due to the closeness of the main gate and base facilities. It is a very nice 2 bed 1 bath apartment style house with plenty of room for us and our 2 dogs.. I miss you bailey (our 3rd dog that wasn't able to come with us) He would have loved it here, but he is in Maine with family having a grand ole time with lots of kids and other dogs. The only complaint I really have is the 4am full sunshine, which is really affecting RoseAnn and her sleeping patterns. We can't wait for our stuff to get here so we can really make it feel like home.

So far life here is very laid back, both work and personal. We have met some great people who I know will be lifelong friends. This Saturday will be our first festival here in Misawa (American Day) and we are looking forward to attending. There are plenty of opportunity for volunteering and education and time for family. I am happy we are here and look forward to sharing more about Japan over to next 3 years. ◦

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Danger!! Watch out!!

So I blogged a little while ago about Florida and the over population of Predators in this God Forsaken state.. in case you missed it, HERE it is. Well the good old state of Florida has done it again. They successfully added 17 more individuals to the list of sexual predators.  I'm not going to go off on another rant about how Florida is the worst state for child abductions or how about 1 in 8 residents of this great state is a sexual predator, No instead I am just going to post a picture with some names... Remember even though these guys were actually caught red handed coming into a house that was suppose to be used for sex with a kid, all of these "MEN" are innocent until they are tried by a jury of their peers... everything they did or wanted to do was alleged.. GO JUSTICE!! Oh by the way none of them have had any previous trouble with Law Enforcement... so can you say probation..... maybe 6 months in jail... sigh!!

Robert Gazel Jones, 40, Jacksonville
Melvin Crosby, 27, Jacksonville
Christopher Lee Smith, 29,Waycross
Christopher E. Logue, 26, Jacksonville
Brandon Meredith Hardy, 20,Valdosta
Francisco J. Nunez, 27, Jacksonville
Jimmy Santiago Jr., 28, Orange Park
Donald Kim Stephens, 55, Jacksonville
Adam Michael Morris, 22, Gainesville
Joshua Michael Johnson, 29, Yulee
Murtaza Ali Panjwani, 27, Jacksonville
Kenan Dumanjic, 24, Jacksonville
Alvin Brian Smith, 25, Deltona
Efrain Perez-Casanova, 23, Kissimmee
Sui Law, 20, Jacksonville
Benjamin C. Harrison, 39, Jacksonville
Ronald D. Thompson, 47, Jacksonville


Time moves forward even when you're standing still.

Graduation day today.. No not graduation for college or any institute of higher education. It a graduation from a month long military training school here in Jax. This will enable me to work on a specific type of military equipment while I am in Japan. Time has been moving sooo quickly this month, we are T-minus 24 days and counting, and in all reality I am not ready. There are soo many things that need to be accomplished before we leave. I wish that I could hit the pause button do what I need to do and then hit play again, but I can't so I'll just have to make due with the time I have.

I did find out some information I would like to pass on to anyone who may be thinking of taking of taking orders to japan or any other overseas location. If you have pets, really think long and hard about not taking them. I love all of my dogs and they are part of my family, but the military doesn't see it that way, to them pets are no different than any other material item you may have, as far as PCSing is concerned. Throughout this whole PCS process I have been told over and over that pets really don't matter, housing is based on dependants not pets, and there is more paperwork involved and a meticulous timeframe than there is for humans. This process has been a pain in my ass, but we have decided that they are worth it...to us. I just found out yesterday that in order for me to get my health certificate for my dogs I have to come on to base and get the exam done, then I have to take that certificate, drive all of the way to the USDA office in Gainesville, FL and pay them $122 for them to put a stamp on the certificate. Why can't they do this all o n base you ask, well it because there will not be a military vet available until mid July.. HMMM no Military Vet on a military base... that really doesn't seem right to me, but hey that's that way it is. Anyway our last week here is going to be busy and expensive. We have to pay the base vet, pay the USDA, pay the airline, book and pay for 2 hotel rooms, Pick up the in-laws at the airport, drive to Gainesville, pay the carpet cleaners, do the final inspection on our apartment, pay for any damages they make up... you get the point.

Even though it's going to be busy as hell, I am still looking forward to getting to Japan, and starting the next chapter in life. See you all in about 26 days.. Have a fine Navy Day

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

High School Reflections

So I was thinking of something I hadn't really thought of in a while today. High School!!

Yup I said it, high school. I began to get sad at all of the memories that came flooding back from that time in my life. In high school I never was part of any one clique or circle, but there were many that I was never part of. I was what you would call a loner, but I did have a few friends. I remember one guy that I always got into trouble with, Brian Mulner. He was a kindred spirit, we had many of the same interests, and had few friends, and we loved to "Party". I remember how I was to steal the car keys, put the car in neutral, and coast it down the driveway and road and then drive over to his house to get drunk.. LOL it reminds me of a scene right out of the movie License to Drive. I wonder where you are now Brian, did life get better for you after you moved away? I hope you're doing well brother.

As with any small, shy, timid kid in school, I got bullied to no end.. maybe that's why I'm such a opponent of Hazing in the Military today. The only thing that bullying teaches a kid is fear and worry. When I was a freshman I never went to the bathroom in between classes for fear of running into someone who had it out for me, I spent alot of time holding it. One day late April of my freshman year, I snapped and everything changed from that point on, I was tired of being that weak person always a target... No I didn't bring a gun to school and started capping assholes.. No instead I met someone that I immediately had a lot of respect for. This guy had something about him that told other people to back the fuck off  and I'm going to do this my way, James thank you for teaching me how to take care of myself. I took what he had and made it mine. I had what would be called an awakening. I took all of the parts about him that I respected and emulated them. I shaved my head, pierced my ears, started to listen to metal and punk, I took all of the things that I would have feared before and made them mine. During the summer I spent alot of time doing what kids do in the summer, exploration, and self awareness. I made a whole new set of friends, back then we called them the stoners/slackers. I played the part really well, I was invited to parties, had brief relationships, I became someone that would never be messed with again.

I remember the following year I felt like the new guy, people were very standoffish, those who bullied me left me alone, those who I hung out with previously didn't want much to do with me. But I seemed to attract a new group of people. We were know as the wall kids, that was because we never sat at any table during lunch we just sat on the cafeteria half wall and ate. I remember that even though I became part of that group I was still a loner, and I liked it that way. I never really truly found my place in high school, I was never part of anything, and I never really wanted to. All of this was all based on the image I presented to everyone.

As with every  drastic change to life, there were negative consequences. As I mentioned before the downward spiral got ahold of me and I began to drown.. Lets just say that I did many things that I now regret and have had long lasting effect on me throughout my life so far.

I've always wondered what I would do if I could do it all over again, I can honestly say I don't know. Yes there were many regrets, but everything has brought me to this point in my life, and I am pretty happy with the end result.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alhambra Dinner Theatre

Last night I had an absolutely wonderful time with my dear wife, every weekend we look for something to do, but usually we wind up just relaxing and taking some time for ourselves. This weekend was different, I came home last Thursday and was informed that we have reservations for Saturday night to see 7 brides for 7 brothers at the Alhambra. This is the 3rd time that we've been to one of their performances and I have to say that I had alot of fun everytime.

Christmas Eve 2008 we decided to have a Non-traditional Christmas so we went to see their rendition of A Christmas Carol, the cast did a wonderful job bringing Scrooge and the ghosts to life.

Again on Christmas Eve 2010 we joined the Alhambra family once again for their performance of "It's a Wonderful Life" (The radio Broadcast). We really didn't know what to think about this one, as it was set-up to look and feel like the live radio play. To our surprise it worked out beautifully, the voice actors really played their characters well, the only downside was that there were too many characters to play for only 4 voice actors, so by the end of the performance those strong voices were getting a little weak.

And of course last night we went again this time to a non-holiday performance, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. At the opening of the play our main character opened with the song "Bless Your Beautiful Hide" which sounded choppy and slightly off. I can honestly say that this was the only major criticism of the entire play that I had. I can even overlook the wardrobe malfunction of one the characters (Caleb) where his lapel kept falling due to a button popping off and his obvious zipper malfunction... My wife pointed that one out to me. All in all it was a great play and very well choreographed, the dancing was actually pretty awesome.

Now on the the dinner part of the "Dinner Theatre". I know that they try to provide a great menu, but really the food has reminded me of buffet cafeteria style everytime we've gone. For me that is ok, but when you have someone who is picky and only eats 1 thing it really isn't worth the price. According to their playbill, the food portion of your ticket is approx. $24. For someone like me who will eat just about anything that is placed in front of him that's an ok price, but for my wife who eats 1 sliver of beef and 1 roll, not so much. I think that the Alhambra should offer a show price minus the dinner, or an all inclusive package for the dinner and the show, or they could have a variety of items for selection when booking your tickets. This is all my opinion, and would never stop me from returning to the Alhambra.

Sadly this will be our last performance we will be attending, due to a Military PCS move to Japan next month, but I would like to thank the staff and cast of the Alhambra for entertaining us for the last 3 years.

If you have never gone to a dinner theatre, I strongly recommend you try to go to at least one in your life, and if you live anywhere in Northeast Florida, may I recommend the Alhambra.

If you would like to make reservations or just stop by and see what shows are coming up feel free to Click HERE for their homepage, or HERE for their schedule.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chopping Block

Sigh... where to begin... Ok, so the Navy released a new NAVADMIN about a week ago 121/11. This message basically says that the PTS program isn't getting the manning numbers down enough, so they're setting up a continuation board and are expected to axe 3000 sailors in approx.. 31 different ratings. LET THE HEADHUNTING BEGIN! I completely understand the why factor but it still makes me nervous. Why? Well according to the message I will be included in this board for consideration for retention. according to the message, the board is looking for any adverse entries on a sailors service record, but what criteria is going to be used when they don't reach that 3000. In paragraph 2 it states "THE BOARD WILL CONSIDER THE FACTORS LISTED BELOW IN RETENTION DETERMINATIONS. THIS LIST IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE, BUT PROVIDES BASIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR  CONSIDERATION". Me personally, I don't meet those factors that are listed on the message, but I don't know what those other factors are going to be. Right now my rating (AT) is extremely overmanned and it definitely needs to be trimmed "A little off the top" IMO. I have found a home and career in the Navy and I would hate to get called into a Master Chiefs office, with the prepared speech, a bus ticket, and a thank you. Hell I don't know what I would do with the rest of my life if I didn't have the Navy to go to everyday.

All I can say is that we'll see what happens. Funny thing is, Oct 09 I was PTS approved, Nov 09; Nov 10; and Apr 11 Evals are all checked "Retention Recommended". So what is the purpose of those checks and balances, just to make people feel good and secure? I think that every Sailor should be told when they come in, not to expect to stay in the Navy until retirement because now that is a reality. That's not a very good recruiting tool is it? Well it's the truth. I am sure that I am safe from being axed right now, but no one is going to be safe forever.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

You must choose..Choose wisely.

So there I was, arguing with someone about something that wasn't even worth arguing about. During our "Heated Debate" about nothing, a voice spoke to me in my head. Don't laugh at me but it was the voice of the Grail Knight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. "You must choose, choose wisely" I heard and I thought about picking and choosing your battles. Fight for things that really matter to you, not for insignificient little petty things. When you constantly fight and fight and fight eveytime you actually lose power and credability with your superior and subordinates alike. The subject of the argument isn't worth mentioning, but the lesson that was re-learned was very valuable.

I have always been one to "Rock the Boat" but lately I have been doing less rocking and more rowing. I am by no means becoming what many say an "Ass Kisser" but I have come to discover that when the political machine is pumping away, you have to do whatever you can to keep it running. I don't alway believe in agree with everything that's going on around me, but sometimes it's more benefical to just shut-up and accept it, because you can't fix everything.

A good example of fighting for what's right just happened while I was writing this post. A fellow Sailor is seperating out of the Navy (No fault of their own... Damn PTS quotas) well this sailor just received their separation Eval, and it is not an accurate reflection of their performance. I personally worked with this Sailor for the last year or so, and they did not get the eval that they deserved. All because they were seperating out of the Navy, and they (The political machine) wanted to save the higher evaluations for their personnel who are still in the Navy on active duty. I guess that they didn't realize that this sailor is transferring to the Naval Reserves and that this is still going to impact this Sailors carrer. I am a firm believer in rewarding people for the job that they do, regardless of where they're going. Awards, if they deserve one give it to them. Great Eval, If they deserve it, give it to them. I have recommended that this Sailor submit a statement to attach to their eval.

So I guess the point of this post is that you Must Choose.... but Choose Wisely. Don't fight the system to the point that it becomes pointless, and PTS (Perform to Serve) really sucks.

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'll be seeing you, in all the familiar places.

Sheeesh!! This has been a stressful time for everyone in Japan, departed Japan, or is slated to go to Japan. Last night I was woken up to some very great news "I'm coming to Japan with you, on time" was what I heard coming from my wife. I know that it probably isn't happy news for everyone, due to fears of radiation and earthquakes, and due to the constant disruption of life. For me and my family it is absolutely wonderful news, we're not even in the least bit concerned about radiation, but we are a little put off about the constant earthquake, but I'm sure we'll get use to it. we are looking forward to joining the Misawa family both at work and out of work, and doing our part to help with the recovery effort. I want to give a shout out to my sponsor there at AIMD, we have been in constant contact through all of this, and there was really never a lack of information exchanged. From what I can tell my new command has a great sponsorship program, keep it up guys. So now all I am waiting for the the official NAVADMIN telling us that we are good to go. Even though the US Department of State has authorized those who participated in the Vol Departures to return to Japan, there still isn't any guidance on PCSing with dependents. I know that it is easy to put the cart before the horse, count our chickens before they hatch, and those other cliche phrases. We really do not want to get our hopes up to max power just yet until the Navy officially makes it so.

I just want to say that even though times get tough and it seems like there isn't any hope try to stay positive. I think this time I was the one who was positive through all of this. It really does make a difference in every day life. I am normally the grumpy, negative, drama queen when situations don't quite work out the way I planned. Good times are coming soon and this has been the very least a great growing lesson, as well as a great leadership lesson. Stay strong everyone and you'll be back with your loved one soon enough.. Have a Great Navy Day!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Come on...Come on...Come on already.

I hate anticipation.. I hate waiting for something, anything to happen. That is why Christmas and Birthdays and me don't get along very well. I always expect to be surprised on those days, but the anticipation sometimes is too damn much. Right now my wife and I are going through major anticipation pains. The DOD has opened up PCS (Military Permanent Change of Station) to Japan again, but as of right now only I will be going and my wife will have to wait to join me. The buzz around the internet has been that today 15APR (Japan date/time) the US ambassador in Japan will make a decision or weather family members who "Evacuated/Departed" Japan on or around 17MAR will be allowed to return. It feels like advancement time all over, constantly checking forums, Facebook, Bupers, to see if there is any new information. I think that the official facebook refresh count in one hours time was something like 30. I know I'm a nut, but this waiting is making me Psycho.

Anyway, back to FB, to drive myself crazy even further.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Committed or Dedicated??

Every morning at school we recite the Sailor's Creed before we do anything else for the day. As I was reciting it aloud I had a moment of utter stupidity. I mistakingly replaced one word for another, but it just seemed to fit so well. Here is the Sailor's Creed in it's entirity.

I am a United States Sailor.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me.
I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.
I proudly serve my country’s Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment.
I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.

The very last line says "I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all". I replaced committed with dedicated, and didn't feel like it was a mistake.

Looking at the defination for committed and dedicated, I think that dedicated fits squarely with the message the creed is designed to convey. I know that most of the time traditionalists fight to keeps things unchanged, but IMO this would be a positive change. Now what to do about this, well I could send an email to the CNO's office with a suggestion for it to be changed, or I could send it to the writers of the Bluejackets Manual and see where that get me. I don't really know, but I think it'd be a great idea to at least try.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you Remember??

I was watching some good old classic wheel of fortune on youtube tonight, you know the one where after each round, the contestant gets to buy all kinds of cheap BigLots quality stuff with their winnings. After 1 round a commercial came on from Feb 14 1984 advertising a VCR.. cool right? Not really, it was freaking $499.00.. nope I didn't make a mistake that's not $49.90 but it was $499.00. I got to thinking, 500 dollars is alot of money these days  for most families, especially for a single item purchase, imagine what it was like in the mid 80's. I really didn't have the true grasp of the concept of money in 1984.. after all I was only 7.  Below I did just a little digging to find a few items from the 80's and then their 2011's version. Enjoy :)

These were popular well into the Mid 90's...well at least I had one:)

Here is the newest version of the Walkman. Probably the last model ever to be made.

I remember seeing these around, having one of these meant you were someone important.

Now 5 year olds own cell phones and throw tantrums when they get taken away.

This was brand new, just look at that high tech push button technology.
So I was looking at newer VCR's to compare this oldie to, but it seems that I'm pretty late in this game. I found several on Amazon at the cost of about $90+. It seems that VCRs are becoming a collectors item, if you own VHS tapes but no VCR at this point in your life, I would recommend that you go get one soon or else they'll be completely gone in a few more years....


Friday, April 8, 2011

Sighhh. I knew it was going to happen eventually.

The message we were dreading to come out, came out today regarding PCS orders to Japan. NAVADMIN 123/11 is hot off the press. It directs me to execute my PCS orders to Misawa alone, yup my sweetheart now will have to worry about me while I'm in Japan all by my lonesome. If this was a 6 month deployment it would be different, I would come home in 180 days, kiss her, and things would go about their merry ways, but this isn't like that at all. Now she is going to have to stay here in Jacksonville all by herself for an undetermined amount of time, deal with PSD all by herself, deal with a Household Goods shipment by herself, deal with putting the rest of our stuff in Non Temp Storage. When the stop movement for dependents is lifted, shes going to have to get the 2 dogs ready to go again, set up a trip for family to come and get the car and our other dog, Travel cross country by herself with luggage and 2 dogs, then international. ARGHHHH what a damn nightmare, now I know that depression is going to set in, and things are going to be touchy between us. As rough as it sounds and is going to be.. We'll get through it.. like we always do..together. We'll find a way 

My pay, Your pay, No pay

As the potential "Government Shutdown" is looming, military families are worried. Contrary to popular belief military personnel are not rich by any means. I've heard over the years that I am "well off" or "rich".. sorry to disappoint you but we make close to the same pay as our private sector counterparts (If you add up benefits). This government shutdown won't kill anybody financially but it will definitely hurt many of them.

See, many people still live pay check to pay check, especially in this economy, and any disruption in pay could potentially cause people to fall behind on their mortgages or utilities. As everyone knows those are 2 bills that you never want to fall behind on.. credit companies are like vultures when it comes to these. The result could be higher percentages, rate increases, denial of services.. these are all worst case scenarios. For me personally, if the government shuts down then my family and I will be alright, not just because we are planners but because we are members of Navy Federal Credit Union. According to their website NFCU will cover the April 15th active duty military deposit if they have their military pay direst deposited there, not allotments to them from other financial institute. If you are interested in finding out more you can read it HERE.

Here is list of services that would be affect if the government was to shut down. Many of these departments are essential in my opinion.

Demoncrats and Republicants continue to play party politics even on the brink of a huge disaster for this country. They continue to blame each other for the reason why a budget can't get passed. At this point I really don't care what you have to do to pass this damn thing, as with anything compromise, both sides. I don't care about women health issues it should just be labeled as Health issues and I don't care about the EPA. How does this sound??  Demons you get to keep the EPA funding and Republicants you get to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. Done and Done, sign it and move on. Take the weekend and spend your ill gotten pay on something stupid and ridiculous, just like you always do anyway. And know that you single handedly saved America.. that's what you jackasses think anyway...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blogged Down and Blocked

So I tried to post a blog I wrote to my Facebook profile, and now I get a notification that my content has been blocked and has been flagged as spam/abusive.... Who did I piss off? I know I have a few different people who comes to my blog and it makes me very happy to know that I am the stick that is stirring the pot. This will not stop me at all from speaking my mind. As far as I can read I have not violated the Terms of Service (TOS) for any of my content. The whole purpose of this blog was to get it all out in the open, and so far I haven't been "censored" yet, but not allowing me to share my original content on my FB page is definitely a step in that direction. I am now curious what exactly I did or said that started this, HMMM. I wonder if I poked the bear with one of my 7 posts... that's right folks 7 posts so far. I am still new to this blogging thing, and so far I'm liking it. I do not see myself ending this part of my life anytime soon, the First Amendment gives me the right to stay right where I am. As I have stated in my welcome message, if you are offended and don't like what you're reading then go find you own wave to surf and stay off of mine... Cheers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back to School!

With our up and coming PCS to Misawa Japan, I had to go back to school for another Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) other forces call this their MOS. I checked into school Monday morning bright and early feeling like the new kid starting a new school. After all of the BS of waiting in line, boring indoc, and waiting in more lines.. I was told to go home and get my Dress Whites ready for a uniform inspection.. WHAT.. I've been TAD all of 6 hours and you spring a uniform inspection on me.. I knew what they expected me to say "My uniform isn't ready yet" or the popular excuse "Oh man, my uniform is at the dry cleaners". But I calmly said "OK, what time should I be here?"  To be honest my uniform was mostly ready, except for my ribbons, I normally update my ribbon bar every time I transfer to a new command and I always hold out getting my medal mounted until they are needed.. $80+ each time to get this done, but can be much more depending on the medal type and company doing it. So that was day 1 down, military hooyaa wins.

Day 2.. So I get there early as I always do when I check into a new command, and I seem to be the only one in my dress whites. I assume that everyone else hand carried theirs in and will dress after muster. Nope.. When we formed up there was 3 instructors in their whites and the rest were students. After we changed uniforms I went to class and was told that there wasn't a qualified instructor available for this course yet, but he will be back from leave on Wednesday. Don't mis-understand me, I'm not complaining I'm just telling a story. Because there wasn't an instructor available I was told to just go home and come in for PT Wednesday morning.. this was 9am.. So I did.. I had the best nap ever.

Day 3.. PT day.. I'll be the first to admit that I am not the most physically fit guy around, and I could use a bit of the old strenuous activity. PT was actually hard for me, but it was the best PT session I've had in a long time. The unfortunate thing was the lack of participation. I believe I counted maybe 15 instructors, and maybe 8 of them actually did PT with us. Who knows where the rest of them went. The only reason  I mention this is because this is a command PT with students participating. I'm sure that there are many medical issues that I am not privy to, but funny is they don't really know my medical history either. We did alot of plyometric exercises and ran at the end only 1 1/2 miles though. See I have a documented condition known as  Plantar Fasciitis which in my case is an extreme swelling and pain on the bottom of my feet after high impact exercises. The Navy knows about it and has told me time and time again that this is normal and do some stretching exercises and ice down my feet in the AM, but every time I run or walk for any period of time I am in pain for weeks. Thus is the case right now, but I will continue on as I have always done in the past, deal with the pain and do my best to manage it. Anyway back on topic, after PT we were to show up for class at 0900 ready to start our training. well 9 turned into 0945-1000ish. We started a brief introduction and then went to chow from 1100-1300, apparently the instructors had a meeting today that couldn't be postponed until after class hours. So after a 2 hour lunch break, we came back and briefly started our first lesson, which only lasted for all of 30 minutes I think.  I am all for early days once in a while, but I am starting to feel like I'm just a job, a minor inconvenience that is in the way of something more important. I want to mention however that there is one E5 instructor that isn't even technically qualified to teach the material we're there for, but he has been trying to teach the junior personnel about the navy and Basic Military Requirements. From what I have seen the past 3 days I think that he has the drive and motivation to make a change for the better.

The reason I chose this as a topic to post is because this is what out junior sailors are getting as a first impression of the fleet. This situation so far reminds me of a US NAVY film called the FIRST 72 HOURS. It depicts a young sailor that is pushed aside by most of his command and is made to feel like he is a burden, so what happens? He attaches himself to the only one who doesn't make him feel that way.. another young sailor who is on a self destructive path. The new sailor sees and participates and quickly begins his downward spiral right out of the navy. I wanted to add this video to my blog but I was unable to find it anywhere on the Internet.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Last Day..See you later, but not goodbye.

So this is my last day as a Mighty Pelican in VP-45. I have had a great tour, and it seems like everyone that I personally know will miss me. I am happy that I have made a direct impact on people lives within the command, and I hope that people have learned as much from me that I have from them. I am not leaving without regret though, there have been several people that I wish I could have helped along the way, but help can only be received if it someone is seeking it. I have seen so many people lose their way in the last 3 years and can't help wonder where they are and what they're doing now. Most of my Pelican family will be missed greatly, but I know that the Navy is quite small and our paths will cross again. I want to give the biggest and most deserved Thanks to my beautiful wife who has supported me my whole navy career so far. Baby I know this tour has been trying at times and I spent alot of time at work trying to improve professionally, but on to some well deserved shore duty now. I'm not saying that it will be any easier but at least I'm not scheduled to deploy anytime soon.

In just under 2 months we're going to be in Japan. A whole new life experience for us and I hope that it will be rewarding for us personally and professionally. My wife is resilient and she will perservere, I have faith that she will tear out of her cocoon and be a social butterfly.. Chiefs wife in training... I'm just kidding. We are looking forward meeting new friends and building a Misawa family, and experiencing a whole new world. To all we leave behind as we move on to the next chapter in life, you will be missed but, if friendships are strong the bond will not be broken...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Important Topics!!

LOL... So a band of severe weather came through Jacksonville yesterday and you would think that a damn hurricane was coming through our area. All of the local news channels broke to their weather centers around 12pm and stayed with the weather until the 5pm news started. 4 freakin hours reporting on nothing except that the streets were wet. Come on it was rain, this isn't a new concept here in Jacksonville, it rains just about every day from mid March until early June. Was it a slow news day or something?? I know that there are more important things going on in the world or even locally than stupid rain.

Did you know that Florida's Governor Rick Scott is trying to cut back on Florida's CyberCrimes unit? *Since the state agency was established six years ago, more than 250 online child predators have been arrested in Florida. I went to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and did a quick search for Florida within the last year. 110 missing children.. 110 lives crushed, 110 grieving mothers and fathers, 110 families not knowing where their little boy or girl is. Granted that some of these children are classified as runaways, but there is always a chance that they left due to a predator. I also did a search of registered sex offenders in several counties here in Florida and here are the results. In Clay county there are 335 registered sex offenders, In Duval there are 1691, and in Saint Johns county there are 191. Let me give you an idea of what this means.. the estimated population of these three counties is 1,185,290. This comes out to be 1 out of every 535 persons in these counties are registered as a sexual predator.

I guess that my point is why spend 4 hours on covering the rain, when other, more important shit is going on in this crazy screwed up world. True that people need to know when severe weather is in an area but remember the day when it was a little ticker at the bottom on the TV or an announcement on the radio.

* Source Link

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SHHH!!! Don't Offend the Dragon!!

Homer has officially been banned.. or at least shows that are related to anything nuclear have been. According to Entertainment Weekly (EW) "Broadcasters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have decided to ban or censor episodes of the popular cartoon series that make fun of nuclear meltdowns."* This isn't a new thing banning or censoring shows that are deemed offensive or not appropriate. My question is, Who is the one who decides for the rest of us what is offensive? Is it enough that one person is offended or does it have to be a majority? And who the HELL are you to push your morals and ethics on me???

I am reminded of several episodes of Southpark and Family Guy where Jesus is depicted as being anything other than holy. I don't remember those episodes being censored, I remember early Southpark and a character named Starvin Marvin... Do you all remember him? Would that have been considered offensive to the African American community? My point is that humor is just that..humor. If offends turn it off, change the channel, or simply walk away. There are several options available to those whose "BOX" is constantly irritated (also known as sand in the crack). Just because you might not think it approiate, don't speak for me or the whole world.

Just for the record, What has happened in Japan and is still happening is a terrible, terrible, tragedy. Me and my wife will be there in 2 months and I am looking forward to helping them with whatever resources I can give them. I don't believe that anyone making light of any tragedy detracts from the seriousness of the situation. Homer and his dumbass have been making nuclear mistakes for 22 seasons, and his mishaps started April 19, 1987 just 1 year after the Chernobyl accident on 26 April 1986.

Please people get a grip, and lighten up... It only humor... don't laugh if it's not funny to you...

*Source link to EW article

Disappointing Climax!!

Here's an eye catching title, but this post isn't about anything of a sexual nature. This is more about the dis-appointing nature of video games and their lack luster endings.

I have been an avid video gamer since pretty much the beginning. Over the years I have owned a Commadore 64, Atari, Caleco vision, Sega, Sega Saturn, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Multiple Gameboy platforms, at least 30 different computers, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBOX 360 (twice), Sega Gamegear, Sega Dreamcast.... You pretty much get the point.

I have played pretty much every type of game out there from BBS door games to Japanese Role Playing games and everything in between, and I have seen a severely degraded satisfaction factor at the end of games lately. Take for instance the new game HomeFront.. The US is invaded by a unified Korea and you are part of a ragtag insurgency trying to defend your freedoms and liberate parts of America. The game play was great, and the idea was awesome, but the problems come from the short lived game play. I started on a Friday and finished it Sunday afternoon, about 10 hours. At the End I was expecting the game to continue on to other parts of the US but it pretty much just ended.. Sighh another 60 dollars down the drain.. this is just one example of how many of the games end.. Black Ops was the same way. I know these game makers try to hook you on the story line so they can sell subsequent titles, but for fucks sake have some kind of resolution. I am pretty much reserving my game play anymore for role playing games. I have been playing Fallout 3 since it came out and I still go through and play it over and over. I love to explore the Capital Wasteland over and over because everytime I find something new. The end of that game actually has an ending to it with an end to the story line, and the funny thing is, it didn't hurt any New Vegas sales. IMO all first person shooter games for me will be rentals from now on, due to the quick game play.

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's the Final Countdown!!!

Last full week here in my present command. Looking back at my accomplishments over the last 3 years here in Jacksonville, I'm feeling a little empty. I didn't meet all of my goals but I leaned alot about being a leader from a pretty awesome Chiefs mess while I was here in VP-45. Here are some of the goals I set for myself when I arrived in 2008.

LPO (Head Guy in Charge) - Check
Individual Augmentee (IA)- Nope
Bachelor's Degree- Nope
Sailor of the Year- Nope
Advance to E7- Nope missed board twice
First Class Mess President or Vice-President- Nope (Voted out)

What did I do with my 3 years here? I honestly can say that I didn't do much. I missed out on many opportunities to change those nopes to a yes, but for some reason I just didn't reach out far enough to do it. I did however work my ass off and took good care of my sailors, I made a name for myself here as a fair leader. Being a leader in a command is almost like being a parent, It is damn hard to try and separate Dan Shrum from being AT1 Shrum. I think it is everyone's basic desire to be liked by all and not to be labeled as an asshole or a shitbag, but when you do your job well those labels start flying. All I can say is that I did the best job that I could. As this chapter closes in my life and a new one opens I can say that this was rewarding tour, and I got to meet so great people that I will never forget, both good and bad.  Some of those people who have helped me better myself that I would like to mention are ADCS Froeber, ADC Riley, ATC Kendall, AMC O'Dell, ATCS Culverhouse, AZ1 Herff, AS1 Franklin, and AWFC Lay. You guys have helped me in ways that you'll never understand.. Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why the Japanese survive.

I was reading an article on how industrious the Japanese people are, and how even in their time of mourning they are recovering from the the event of 11MAR quickly. When I saw this I was just absolutely amazed. The Japanese people are very efficient and understand in order to make a quick recovery they must repair the countries infrastructure and re-open their internal supply lines. For them to ship food and medicine they need the ability to transport these item to the affected areas of Japan via trucks and other methods.

We are set to go to Japan at the end of May due to a military PCS move. I wish that my wife and I were there now so we could help with the recovery efforts. Sitting here at work concerned about what I'm having tonight for dinner seems a little insignificant compared to someone who just lost their family, home, and morale, and is wondering if their going to eat at all tonight. I know we have people here in the US with the same issues, but there are established services that are available for them to use. In Japan there are places that people can go to get help under normal circumstances, but what happens when these services are not available because they were lost in a tsunami? Yes my heart is heavy when I think about any American who is suffering, but what are we to do when people's pride gets in the way of their own well being. OK anyway.. back on topic.. Japan..

This isn't the first major disaster for Japan that they have bounced back from. On  January 17, 1995, at 05:46 a 7.2 earthquake hit the southern part of Hyogo, Prefecture causing major damage in the area and killing approximately 6500. Think about where we were in the 90's with construction and technology, now think about where we are today. Even though the damage this time was far worse, with the help of the global community a bigger, better, safer Japan will be back in no time at all.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

BlackBerry removing DUI checkpoint apps.

I'm going to start this post off with this little tidbit of information.

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no Warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."-Constitution of the United States, Fourth Amendment.

I am not a constitutional lawyer, and I don't pretend to be an authoritative interpreter of the Constitution, but I believe that we are protected from these checkpoint legally under the Constitution. *In 1990 the United States Supreme Court found properly conducted sobriety checkpoints to be constitutional. While acknowledging that such checkpoints infringed on a constitutional right, Chief Justice William Rehnquist argued the state interest in reducing drunk driving outweighed this minor infringement. So let me understand this for a minute, the Supreme court acknowledges that these checkpoints are an infringement on our constitutional rights but it's ok because it's only a minor infringement. WTF!!!!

So this company developed an Application (APP) for smart phones that allows users to warn drivers that an "Unconstitutional, Illegal, highly Unethical" roadblock is ahead. Oh I forgot to tell you that this App has been available for some time now, it was being used to warn other drivers of speed trap locations as well as red light cameras. Apparently it was OK when it was used for these purposes. Senators Harry Reid of Nevada, Charles Schumer of New York, Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey and Tom Udall of New Mexico sent letters to company Research in Motion to remove the app, which they did. All I can say is that is right up the Dems alley to contradict the Constitution. Remember that Big Brother is always watching and slowly chipping away at your rights as a US citizen. Don't mis-understand me I love this country but my Oath say "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, against ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC" That is why I feel the way I do.

Even though this app has been removed there are still many sites on the internet to help you avoid these illegal checkpoint. One site can be found HERE.

I leave you with one quote " Papers Please "- unknown random German Soldier- WWII

*source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_checkpoint*

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It begins

Ha-ha. Finally... After years of contemplating of starting a blog I finally did it. Hmmm what to talk about... I know, let’s talk about me. Hello, my name is Dan and I am in the NAVY. I have been proudly serving my country for about 12 years now. Being in the Navy has allowed me to see some very interesting places and meet some pretty cool people. I have been to Maine, Florida, Texas, California, Azores, Spain, Sicily, Africa, El Salvador, Iceland, and soon Japan. I know what you’re saying right now “JAPAN!! Isn't everyone leaving there?" well yes and no. They have enacted a voluntary departure for any dependents (Family) even though there is no immediate danger where we're going to. I guess they just want to try and conserve resources in the country, but by doing that they are straining US resources financially. Anyway back to me. :) I am married to a beautiful woman whom I love with all of my heart, and have been so for 10 years in June. You can stop by and say hi to her at The Social Frog she's a great lady. We have no children of the human variety, but have three dogs Bailey, Zoey, and Cecilia. I am currently stationed in Jacksonville, Florida but we're done here in about 2 months and it's time for us to move on to the next adventure... which as I mentioned before is Japan... Ok that enough about me... let me move on to someone else.

My wife. My wife is truly the kindest, most loving person I have ever had in my life (I'm not just saying this to score). She is pretty naive to a fault when it comes to people. As offensive as that may sound it really isn't, what I mean is that she always seems to see the good in people no matter their faults. Unless you personally hurt her deeply, she will be your friend for life. All of the bad things that I have done in my life she has never held them against me. Remember forgiven doesn't mean forgotten. I love my wife and even though I not the most romantically or passionate man in the world I miss her badly when we're apart. My wife really takes good care of me, and has done so even before we were married. I remember living in Maine in the barracks and she refusing to go home because I was so sick, but that’s not the only time. Even when we are both sick, she finds a way to hide ignore her sickness and take care of me... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love her more than anything or anyone else in the world. She is the greatest...

My Family. I am not an only child; I have an older brother, a younger sister, a mother, and a father. Ronald is my older brother and I miss him very much. I remember going to stay the night with him when I was just a little kid and playing Nintendo and listening to Too Short and NWA. My brother was there for me after I ran into a little bit of trouble as a young man in Texas. He allowed me to stay with him and even set me up with some contacts at Dallas Alley which helped me get a job as security/bar back there. Thanks Bro, that was for sure the funnest job I ever had. My younger sister Cristal is great. Over the years we have spread slowly apart, to just the occasional contact every now and again. We went through some rough times growing up but we stuck together and got through them just fine. She is married with 3 kids and still lives in Texas. I am proud of what she has achieved in her life, even though I feel as though I had a hand in blocking her from getting there earlier. I love you Cristal. My mother Linda or better known as MOM. I love her but unfortunately we have never been really close since I was about 12. I miss regret that I held on to grudges for so long that now we are so distant that it is hard to rebuild our relationship. I have been talking to her more often now then in the past, and it feels good to let her know what's going on in my life. I love you mom and will forever be your son, nothing will ever change that. My father Ron, Joe, or Ronald. I really miss that man. Even now as I write this I am getting emotional just thinking about how we haven't talked in about 2 years now. We just kind of lost touch with each other. Ever since I joined the Navy our relationship has slowly drifted apart all the way to this point. I miss you pops and am glad that you are doing well. I wish I could see you before we leave for Japan, but that's probably not going to happen seeing how crazy life is has been for all of us.

Isn't that the purpose of a blog? To get it all out in the open, to put a chink in that armor that we all wear to shield ourselves from being vulnerable. I think I will like writing a blog a day, it feels freeing to be able to express your feeling about anything you want. Thank for taking the time to read..... So long
